Monday, April 28, 2008

NCT Blogg 8

Task 1
Complete the Exercises below, and then write a report in your blog about your experience doing the exercises; were there any problems ? what were your solutions? Did you find it too simple, or was it confusing? Can you see how this software might be useful to you?
Exercises: Word_Bold, Italics, Underline and Bullets, Headers, Footers and Double Spacing, Track Changes, Mail Merge; Excel_Entering and Presenting Data, Formulas

Both word and excel are very useful software applications in providing presentations in a professional style, sending bulk mail, documenting changes to legal contracts and many more forms of documents. Being able to use the applications allows the choice of formatting styles within the document and increases efficiencies. Solutions to problems that occur can be sourced from the help assistant icon. The directions to execute the exercises were easy to follow and would become second nature with constant use.

Task 2
What are the qualitative differences between the regular IM program and a 3D environment?
What is different about the kinds of socialising that happens in these spaces? Does the 3D aspect make much difference? In other words, are there things that are possible in one space that are not possible in the other? Could you think of where this sort of application might lead us?

IM is a text-based medium of communication in almost real-time with people who you know; like friends and family from your contacts list. The synchronicity of the communication between the users happens before your eyes. The communication is effective and efficient with immediate acknowledgement/reply. The cost is effective because it is free over the internet. Some IM features allow you to see the other person you are talking to, with web cams. Used as a medium for communication, IM has a social function and an entertaining function. IM is purposeful and simplistic as a form of communication.

In a 3D chatroom world, communication is not limed to who you know as in IM. Communication in 3D chatrooms develops between strangers. Games can be played in virtual worlds. 3D chartrooms can be used as a means of social active entertainment. The communication can be anonymous because, as a user, you can create an identity of choice either similar to your own or worlds apart, both in character and in how you communicate. The 3D chatrooms have more variables and more choices to consider than IM. The anonymity of the communication could lead to a person exhibiting uninhibited behaviour, both in a positive or a negative form. Children who visit chatrooms can become potential victims to sexual predators.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

NCT Blogg 7

Your Task today is to find two wikipedia articles/entries about unrelated topics that you know something about. That might be a movie, a sport, a type of car, a particular musical artist, a Television show, a particular hobby or past time... Something that YOU are an expert on.

Task one

Personal Assistant

Is this an aaccurate article?_The article is general and informative covering minimal basic facts needed to understand the topic. This article needs additional citations for verification. Wikipedia content is intended to be factual, notable, verifiable with external sources, and neutrally presented, with external sources cited, Wikipedia content is intended to be factual, notable, verifiable with external sources, and neutrally presented, with external sources cited, none of which are presented in this article. The article is biased and requires professional human resource criteria to be presented with the addition of salary expectations and employment opportunities from recruitment statistics. Tesimonials from personal assistants giving specification to duties performed and job satisfaction would be interesting to add to the article.

Task 2

French Twist
Is this article accurate? No, this article is a stub and opinions are not verifiable facts. Wikipedia content is intended to be factual, notable, verifiable with external sources, and neutrally presented, with external sources cited and this article ,none of which are presented in this article. It does not accuarately cover the basic facts or instructions to replicate the design, however the picture does give a general idea of one expected outcome. The article is subjective and requires proffesional instructions with step by step diagrams and photograps.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

NCT Blogg 6

How do the ideas from Walter Benjamin's "Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction" apply to contemporary digital media?

Mass reproduction enables all people, not only the elite to appreciate art while not in the immediacy of the art and perhaps without the aura as it was appreciated prior to "Mechanical Reproduction".

There was a time when "Art" was made by artists who were skilled professionals. Now that anyone with a computer can create things digitally (music, images, videos, etc), what does that mean for "art"?

Digital media can influence peoples perception more readily and in a much faster time period.

Art is defined in a broader sense today and skilled professionals have a larger medium to choose from. Digital technology has broadened the boundaries of "Art".

Is a photoshopped image "authentic"? Do digital "things" have an "aura" (in Benjamin's terms)?

A photoshoped image in not "authentic". Digital "things" have no "aura" in Benjamin's terms because there is no presence of the original subject or original existence of the production.

"From a photographic negative, for example, one can make any number of prints; to ask for the “authentic” print makes no sense. But the instant the criterion of authenticity ceases to be applicable to artistic production, the total function of art is reversed. Instead of being based on ritual, it begins to be based on another practice – politics.

One might subsume the eliminated element in the term “aura” and go on to say: that which withers in the age of mechanical reproduction is the aura of the work of art. This is a symptomatic process whose significance points beyond the realm of art. One might generalize by saying: the technique of reproduction detaches the reproduced object from the domain of tradition. By making many reproductions it substitutes a plurality of copies for a unique existence."